Readers respond: An Oregon-Idaho checkerboard

A recent letter to the editor on the Greater Idaho or Move Oregon’s Border movement is something I support (Readers respond: Greater Idaho should make an offer, Feb. 5). The author suggests that if counties and cities in Oregon want to join Idaho and leave Oregon, Idaho should compensate Oregon.

I can back that up. However, I have another thought. Blue cities and counties do exist in Idaho.What if those blue Idaho cities and counties are permitted to relocate their borders to Oregon as a result of the Greater Idaho agreement? Boise, the capital of Idaho, may join Oregon. A new capital city could be selected by Idaho. Or maybe Oregon should charge Idaho a small fee to utilize the state capitol buildings in Idaho. It seems reasonable, doesn’t it?

However, consider the ensuing patchwork of Oregon and Idaho, which resembles a checkerboard. The entire notion of moving Oregon’s border into Greater Idaho is absurd.

Waite, David M., Portland

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