Greetings, readers
Often, after I write a column, you, my readers, reply with your opinions and suggestions. These are some recent texts that I have received.
And as always, I appreciate your feedback. I adore it! Continue sending me emails. and calling, but my voicemail will essentially tell you to send an email.
The following has been revised for grammar and length.
To Lizzy,
Your essay about the individual in their 30s living with family was interesting.
Create lists. Although it seems so obvious, it is true. Motivating yourself is easier once you start making your brain work. Additionally, include things like drinking water, going for a walk, or eating a banana enables one to incorporate those concepts into their work and avoid feeling bad about taking time for self-care.
I had heard the wise advice to “do what you hate first.” It’s also great that you brought up the five-year plan. In my counseling practice, I frequently ask clients to picture an earlier iteration of themselves before starting a conversation.
In light of this circumstance, what does your former self wish to tell you now? I even have them have a conversation about it. The wisdom that our elder selves provide is astounding.
From the voicemail:
I just finished our conversation with Eric Thomas, and I wanted to let you know how much I liked his column and believe he offers wise counsel. I wanted to let you know that I loved the interview and that I don’t require a callback. Thank you.
What on earth is meant by Why Tho?
Hello Lizzy
I knew that some elements would be changed or eliminated with The Oregonian’s new format. I’m unhappy since I didn’t see your advise column today. I’m hoping your column comes back! I’ll keep an eye out for further pieces from you until then. Enjoy your weekend!
To D.,
It is true, indeed! My column is no longer published in print due to our new style, which consolidates advice pages across Advance Local’s 26 publications.
Even though you, my most devoted fan, are sad, there is yet hope!You can subscribe to the Advice for Life newsletter, and every Tuesday afternoon, my piece will be in your mailbox!
Additionally, you may see my extensive back collection of columns at
I appreciate you reading! I appreciate you writing! I appreciate your call, but please be aware that my voicemail instructs you to email me instead.
I wish you luck.
Do you have a pressing question? My email address is [email protected]. Alternatively, you may use this Google form to ask me a question in complete anonymity.
See Why Tho? for additional information.
More Why Tho?
Why Tho? I want to support local businesses, but flaky cake baker makes me rethink this stance
Why Tho? I m 30-something, have no job, and live with relatives. HELP!
Why Tho? An ill-advised look at social media had me feeling really left out