Readers respond: Age limit on marriage should have exceptions

I found the Oregon legislative bill that would strictly limit marriage’s age to be interesting. How young is too young to marry? Any age under eighteen, according to a measure presented to the Oregon Legislature on February 21. No one spoke against the bill, according to the article. I want to add two things.

First of all, the experiences and tales presented clearly show the necessity of defending women’s rights, especially those of women under the age of 18, so that they can take charge of their own lives, finances, and living circumstances. It is important for women of all ages to understand that they are independent of their husbands and can end a toxic marriage whenever they choose.

Nevertheless, taking into account my sister’s experience, I oppose a rigid age restriction on marriage with no exceptions. With her parents’ approval, my sister married a wonderful man at the age of sixteen. Her husband was 19 years old. The year before she died, they celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary with their kids, grandkids, and great-grandchild, as well as other friends and family.

Together with him and their family, she led a contented life. If they hadn’t been let to be married, I don’t think things would have been much better. Their example demonstrates why having no exceptions may be incorrect, even though they may have been an exceptional situation.

Ridgefield, Jim Robison

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