Alberta neighborhood leader who drained Portland nonprofit funds ordered to pay back $50K

A man who was formerly regarded as one of the best young professionals in the city was found guilty of embezzling money from a nonprofit organization that promoted the Alberta neighborhood in Northeast Portland.

Devon Horace was a key organizer of the Last Thursday street festival, which was held monthly throughout the gentrified neighborhood, and the leader of the now-defunct Alberta Main Street organization, which raised over $100,000 from Nike.

According to court records, the plan collapsed in January 2023 when board members realized the funds were missing.

Horace entered a no contest plea on Wednesday to first-degree aggravated theft and falsifying company records, which means he accepted the penalty without acknowledging his guilt.

Horace, who is currently 32, informed Multnomah County Circuit Judge Angela Lucero that he was entering the plea as a step toward progress rather than as an admission of guilt.

He remarked, “I’ve lost a lot of professional opportunities.” I choose to focus on what I can do for other people instead of dwelling on the difficulties.

After Alberta Main Street disbanded, Lucero mandated that Horace give $50,000 to the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods, which assumed its responsibilities.

Horace was given 240 hours of community service and a year of probation by the judge.

Lucero stated that if Horace doesn’t follow the conditions of the plea agreement, he might be sentenced to 60 days in jail. A further hearing will be scheduled to decide whether Horace needs to repay an additional $50,000.

For The Oregonian/OregonLive, Zane Sparling reports on court proceedings and breaking news. You may contact him at [email protected], 503-319-7083, or pdxzane.

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