To Eric, I would really appreciate your assistance after my spouse and I (my second marriage) got into a fight earlier today.
I would want to assist in the selection process because I am picky about the things I buy for my house. We don’t need items very often, but I do like to suggest colors and styles before he buys them. He purchases tools and other items that he utilizes, and I have no problem staying out of it. However, I would like to participate if it’s a common kitchen item or something more ornamental.
For instance, he bought a new frying pan, a desk chair in the den that works, and a wall clock for the kitchen that I don’t like. I haven’t asked him to return anything, but once the item is on its way, he will inform me that he ordered something and hopes I like it.
The frying pan, which is brown and incompatible with other cookware, was the culprit today. I begged him to help me the next time. I was at home. He had the option to inquire.) I care about the appearance of things, even though I know he doesn’t. He claims that being unable to simply purchase something irritates him and makes him feel like he lacks independence. I’m sorry for being picky, but I only appreciate items that fit my aesthetic.
I suppose I should simply let this go.
After a Purchase, Pouting
Stories by
R. Eric Thomas
Asking Eric: My divorcing sister s rages are making me angry too
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To Purchase: Yes, you will both be able to move on if you let it go. But it makes great sense to want him to work with you on joint purchases. His remark suggests that, as someone with more of an eye, he feels he needs your permission. That might be the dynamic. What’s the harm in asking if you like the way this one looks, for example, if he doesn’t care about appearance but knows you both need a new frying pan?
You might explain to him that you’re merely attempting to make your home aesthetically pleasing and that you don’t intend to criticize his purchases. From there, you two can discuss how future purchases could be made to enable him to feel empowered and spare you from always checking an unattractive wall clock to find out the time.
For some people, the home’s stability and contentment are reflected in its design and beauty. You care about your style. Additionally, because it matters to you, your husband ought to value it similarly. He is free to purchase anything at any time. However, he need to seize the chance to carry on building this house with you when he does.
For inquiries, contact R. Eric Thomas at [email protected] or by mail at P.O. Box 22474, Philadelphia, PA 19110. Subscribe to his weekly newsletter at and follow him on Instagram.