On Monday, strong gusts of wind toppled trees and branches throughout the metropolitan region, including along Northwest Thompson Road between Cornell and 53rd Drive.
According to Multnomah County, a big, fallen tree and downed power wires are obstructing the route, therefore it is blocked.
Portland General Electric and county workers are working together to get the road open for traffic. The reopening date of Thompson Road is unknown.
You should choose a different route if there is traffic. To avoid the Thompson Road closure, locals can take Northwest Skyline Boulevard or Northwest 53rd Drive.
Due to Monday’s storm, other westside closures include:
Old Germantown Road is closed to through traffic due to a downed tree
Parson Road from Sesame Lane to Timmerman Road for downed power lines
Rock Creek Boulevard from Malhuer Road to Rock Creek Drive for flooding
As of Tuesday morning, there are no road closures listed on the Portland Bureau of Transportation’s website.