Readers respond: Shelter decision makers should sleep outside

During this frigid weather, hypothermia claimed the life of at least one individual in our area on February 2. Although there was no major rain or snow, Multnomah and Washington counties shuttered their cold weather shelters on February 5 due to the temperature being above 25 degrees. Two counties in the Portland region will close their cold weather shelters on Wednesday, while one will stay open on February 5. This is an illustration of how the wealthy create harsh laws for the underprivileged.

To the Multnomah and Washington County rulemakers and enforcers: Put your own life in danger if you believe it isn’t cold enough to open a cold weather shelter. Join the hundreds of people who had a warming shelter on Tuesday, February 4, but not on Wednesday, February 5, and demonstrate it by sleeping outside in public. It’s just.

Portland native Lynette Yetter

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